Periodontics & Implant Center
Of McKinney
- Creating Beautiful, Healthy Smiles !

Soft Tissue Grafts

 This complex encompasses multiple procedures that are available to stop and prevent “gum recessions” by reinforcing the tissue, or to improve the aesthetics of your gum line after gum recession has occurred by covering the roots back up.

Gum recessions lead to exposed root surfaces and “long looking teeth”. Exposed root surfaces can sometimes be sensitive to hot and cold foods and liquids. They may also be more susceptible to decay and the accumulation of bacterial plaque due to the uneven gum line.

Gum recessions may occur for different reasons, including aggressive tooth brushing or periodontal disease. Other factors such as individual tooth misalignment and tooth movement may also play a role in the development and progression of recessions.

Prior to treatment, your periodontist will help you to identify the specific factors contributing to your periodontal problem. Once these factors are controlled, a soft tissue grafting procedure will be done to either repair the present gum defect by covering the roots, or to prevent additional recession and bone loss by reinforcing the gum line.


During this procedure, Dr. Chang will take a piece of gum tissue from your palate or another donor source to cover the exposed root. This can be done for one tooth or several teeth to even your gum line and reduce sensitivity. There are different types of grafts that can be done: connective tissue grafting, gingival grafting and pedicle grafting. Your periodontist can tell you which graft best suits your situation.


Soft tissue grafts can cover exposed root surfaces to reduce plaque accumulation due to an uneven gum line, thus protect from new decay. It can also reduce tooth sensitivity by covering the exposed rot surfaces. An even gum line improves the aesthetics of your smile and allows you to speak and eat with comfort and confidence.



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